Complete Guidance at the highest level

Michele's private mentoring programs give you personal
1:1 VIP access to Michele.
Especially for soul-led women who want to make a DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD, and those who already are but want to UP-LEVEL THEIR IMPACT and INCOME, Michele provides support in all areas of soul-awakening.
Soul-truth | Self-love | Soul-relationships | Soul-love | Soul-business and all things Soulful living.
Part teacher, part life-coach, part business consultant, part confidante, part best-friend, part 'been-there' guide, Michele offers all of her soul-wisdom, business acumen & personal success to help you be extraordinary!
From discovering your HIGHEST PURPOSE in life, and creating a SOUL-ALIGNED CAREER to attracting your SOUL-MATE, owning your TRUTH, and calling in your SOUL-TRIBE, Michele's results oriented coaching programs are designed to propel you towards your greatest dreams, deepest desires & ultimate vision for your life, and help you share your magic with the world.
Fusing the inner soul-work with the practical & strategic, Michele will help you reclaim your personal power, teach you the practical 'how to' steps, to accelerate soulful success and hold you gently accountable to being your highest self along the way.
One on one coaching is for women who know they were born for something more...and want personal attention to accelerate their deepest desires
A few things Michele can help you with..
✔ Discovering your Soul Purpose
✔ Navigating your Soul Awakening
✔ Empowering your relationship with yourself
✔ Transitioning from employee to entrepreneur
✔ Launching a soul-led business
✔ Business mentoring to up-level your income & impact
✔ Creating your online (or live) program or developing offers & products
✔ Clarifying your soul-message & ideal soul-clients
✔ Marketing from the heart
✔ Calling in your soul-tribe and creating supportive, soulful friendships
✔ Attracting the love of your life
✔ Conscious lover-ship and next level love
✔ Becoming a New-Earth leader..

Having a mentor who's already been where you are, knows what you are going through, and has created what you want, can cut years of frustration, confusion & heart-ache, so you can short-cut to your greatest dreams.
Who is Michele anyway..
With a 20+ year corporate background, transformational coaching qualifications, a decade of personal & spiritual development, a gift for seeing the gifts & potentiality of my clients and 12 years of working with various transformational modalities, I am deeply committed to revolutionizing the way women love, live & lead.
Since 2011, I have been helping incredible awakening women own their truth and create soul-aligned lives: attract epic love, discover their life purpose, call in their soul-tribe, create and up-level their soul-aligned businesses, increase their impact & income and lead with love, all starting with the relationship with themselves.
Sure. There's ways you could eventually create what you want...but how much longer do you want to keep doing it all alone!? Unfulfilled in your career or relationships? Craving soulful connection and conversations with depth? Under-reaching your potential? Frustrated with trial & error in your business?
What kind of RESULTS have people had with MICHELE..
All my work, fundamentally, is about supporting you to have the courage to find, own, honour, live and share your truth with the world, and supporting you with the tools, know how & practical implementation steps you need, to follow your dreams & create your heart’s desires.
From creating soul-mate relationships, to helping new-earth leaders to uplevel their impact & income in their soul-aligned businesses, here’s just some of the epic results my clients have achieved:

✔ Discovered their true passion & purpose in life, left jobs they hate, and launched successful soul-aligned businesses
✔ Broken-through inner blocks to increase their visibility, reach and income.
✔ Clarified their offerings and best business model for them, by aligning their business with their optimal creation style & unique entrepreneurial type.
✔ Gotten crystal clear on their soul-messaging, soul-mate clients & best authentic marketing strategies for their own personal flow.
✔ Created & launched live and online courses, events, programs and developed new offerings from their ideas.
✔Attracted deep soulmate love & created beautiful families.
✔ Changed entire friendship circles, calling in deeply supportive, soul-tribe friendships and high-vibe community that helped accelerate their highest life purpose.
✔ Transitioned careers to jobs they love, created more income & time for the things they love outside of work.
✔ Broken through limiting beliefs & stories, to open up a world of life possibilities, from travelling the world, to studying at prestigious universities, to building change-making businesses.
✔ Had the courage to follow their truth, left relationships that aren’t aligned, to create new deeply fulfilling love.
✔ Gained new found confidence, motivation and lust for life, after cultivating a deeper self-relationship…and so much more...

An incredibly positive experience, I really couldn’t recommend her high enough.
My experience with Michele was extremely unique. I really trusted her, and felt incredibly safe to open up… and that connection we had straight away, I’ve personally never experienced before in any kind of coaching work that I have done. I was so impressed with her deep knowledge of the theories in her field, and her authentic ability to bring those into practice with me, to look at things in a new way that I had never considered before.
I felt like the things that she promised she really delivered on, and the process was so enjoyable and professional. I just want to say thank you Michele”
~ Dr Julianne Wurm, Best Selling Author, Founder of TEDxEast,

I got the job! Part-time, better pay, more opportunities for advancement in an industry I love, and above all: happiness! I feel invigorated, motivated and much more relaxed towards my partner and daughter.
Michele is great at what she does. A big advocate of people doing work which inspires them and encourages them to utitilise the skills and abilities that they naturally possess, she helped me overcome my fears, offer solutions on how to mitigate the risk of changing jobs and industries, gave me various options to address them, showed me how to shift my thinking, pitch for part time work in my ultimate job, and focus on the desired outcome.
Most importantly Michele also gave me the confidence to believe in myself again, which I had lost along the way, to ultimately create this amazing opportunity.
~ Ying Chan, Property Advisor and Buyers Adovate
Just imagine what it feel like when...
+You wake up each day feeling excited, inspired and on purpose, knowing you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be, making great $$$ AND a positive impact on the world.
+You drift off to sleep wrapped in the loving arms of the man of your dreams.
+You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and throw a little wink, saying, 'Hey beautiful, you're on fire today! I'm so proud of you!', and laugh knowing just how far you've come to say this.
+You celebrate your birthday and look around the room to realise, you are surrounded by soul-family who adore you. You think, 'I'm so lucky to have friends like these!'...
...yet you created it all!

Michele is more than a coach. She is a friend, a sister, a human being who has gone through her own journey and truly walks her talk. A guide who accepts you for who you are, but also challenges you to step up into your own personal power and accept responsibility for your life direction. The time and love she has given me has been paramount.
~ Catterina Tilby, Singer, Roving Performer

Wow. Words cannot describe how incredibly powerful this session was. I felt like I have been transported to a whole other world, full of bliss. Many, many thanks, Michele!
~ Bridget Esslemont, Best-Selling Author, Intuitive Entrepreneur, and Founder of Biddy Tarot

Some months and a hundred tiny ‘shifts’ in me later, my business is going better than it ever has before. I’m making more money, having proper time off (!) and, most importantly, enjoying work wholeheartedly for the first time in years. I don’t dread getting up in the morning, I’m not stressed – I’m excited about upcoming projects and directions, and I keep getting better at managing and shaping the business and my workload. On the personal front, I’m now engaged to be married to the most wonderful man! It’s a healthy, happy, easy relationship, and I’m still amazed. Michele, thank you with all my heart!
~Vanya *Name changed
1:1 coaching is personalised deep dive work together, combining energetics, mindset & practical actions and 'how to' skills to help you create personal freedom, live a rich, soul aligned life true to yourself, and create your soul's deepest desires.
Programs are usually 4-6months depending on which areas you want to transform, as we agree together in our initial consult. All private programs include:
2 x 90 minute zoom call coaching sessions per month
100% attention just on you
Bespoke guidance tailored specifically to your situation
Support resources such templates, written materials, workbooks, handouts & recorded processes
Personalised home activities & action points from your call
Up to 3 x 10 minute interim What's app or phone calls*
Access to Michele via Voice-note during coaching period
Results Coaching Methodologies, Transpersonal therapies, NLP processes, Hypnosis & more
Practical 'how to' mentoring to help you do your thing in the world
Real world Mind, Body, Soul focus
(Book a virtual cuppa to find out how Michele can help your unique situation)
*For brief 'I need you now!' burning questions or sticky situations that just can't wait)
Isn't it time you became the woman you were born to be... before the world told you who you should be?